1. SEP 2016
Vibeke Tornhøj Christensen
Children, Adolescents and Families
Daycare, School and Education
Health Care
Children, Adolescents and Families, Daycare, School and Education, Health Care
Key Expertise:
- Inequality and social heritage,
- Public school,
- Gender and identity

My main areas of work:
I focus on the importance of an individual’s background and lifestyle for a number of outcome measures. In the area of health, I investigate support of the child vaccination programme, and I have performed considerable research on weight, perceptions of weight and the importance of social characteristics for these. Furthermore, I am involved in several investigations in the area of education, again with the importance of background as the main focus. I am the Co-National Project Manager for the PISA investigations in Denmark, as well as being responsible for the analysis component of the PISA investigations.
I mainly use micro-econometric methods and carry out quantitative research. I work with both registry and questionnaire data and have taken part in the development of several questionnaires.
I have a master’s degree in political science and a PhD in sociology from University of Copenhagen in 2010. In my career, I have worked for various research institutions. I was employed by SFI in 2004, after which I worked for the former AKF, KORA and now VIVE since 2007. In 2012, I received the Young Elite Researcher Award from Independent Research Fund Denmark. Since 2015, I have been Co-national Project Manager for the PISA survey in Denmark.
Selected publications
1. SEP 2016
15. APR 2014
Christensen, V. T., & Carpiano, R. (2014). Social Class Differences in BMI among Danish Women: Applying Cockerham’s Health Lifestyles Approach and Bourdieu's Theory of Lifestyle. Social Science & Medicine, 2014(112), 12-21.
13. JAN 2014
Christensen, V. T. (2014). My sibling, my weight. How gender, sibling gender, sibling weight and sibling weight level perception influence weight perception accuracy. Nutrition & Diabetes, 4(e103). https://doi.org/10.1038/nutd.2013.44
1. FEB 2011
The Social Sector
Children, Adolescents and Families
Health Care
The Social Sector, Children, Adolescents and Families, Health Care
Christensen, V. T. (2011). Does Parental Capital Influence the Prevalence of Child Overweight and Parental Perceptions of Child Weight-Level? Social Science & Medicine, 72(4), 469-477. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.11.037
Labour Market
Daycare, school and education
Labour Market, Daycare, school and education
Greve, J., Saaby, M., Rosdahl, A., & Christensen, V. T. (2021). Uncertain occupational expectations at age 19 and later educational and labour market outcomes. LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 35/2, 163-191. https://doi.org/10.1111/labr.12194
3. DEC 2019
The Social Sector
Children, Adolescents and Families
Daycare, school and education
The Social Sector, Children, Adolescents and Families, Daycare, school and education
Christensen, V. T. (2019, Dec 3). PISA 2018 - En sammenfatning. VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd. https://www.vive.dk/media/pure/14477/3610795
1. FEB 2017
Christensen, V. T., & Gupta, N. D. (2017). Hearing loss and disability exit: Measurement issues and coping strategies. Economics and Human Biology, 2017(24), 80-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2016.11.006
1. DEC 2013
Christensen, V. T. (2013). Studies of differentiated weight levels and weight perceptions explored through the theoretical work of Pierre Bourdieu. Praktiske Grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab, 7(1-2), 33-40.
20. AUG 2012
Health Care
Health Care