17. FEB 2023
Children, Adolescents and Families
The Social Sector
Children, Adolescents and Families, The Social Sector
Analyses on administrative data on vulnerable children and their families
Longitudinal analyses on children in out-of-home care
Mette Lausten M.Ec., Ph.D., is Senior Researcher at VIVE - The Danish Center for Social Science Research. Her research interests span from balancing family and work over child wellbeing to vulnerable children and children in out-of-home care using longitudinal data, being PI of several longitudinal datasets on children and young people in out-of-home care. Mette has 25 years of experience in working quantitatively on combining survey- and administrative data publishing articles and books on children in out-of-home care, children in preventive care, and child wellbeing in general. Mette is an active member of international research networks including EUSARF, the European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents, and NORDLOCH, Nordic Network on Longitudinal Child Welfare Research.