Maria Røgeskov
The Elderly
Management and Implementation
The Social Sector
The Elderly, Management and Implementation, The Social Sector
Key Expertise:
- Professionals,
- Civic and user involvement,
- Vulnerable persons,
- Handicap,
- Rehabilitation

Main areas of work
Maria Lomborg Røgeskov carries out research in the specialised adult area and has knowledge of social science methods, everyday life and handicapped persons’ encounters with the welfare system. Under this heading, she works with evaluation of welfare interventions, particularly in the area of handicapped and vulnerable persons.
She mainly works with qualitative methods such as participant observation, interviews and focus groups. Moreover, she has experience of planning and carrying out surveys among vulnerable adults and professionals in municipalities.
Maria Lomborg Røgeskov is a trained sociologist and obtained her PhD at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen in 2018. Her PhD dissertation focused on social science practice and participation in everyday activities among adults with mental retardation living in sheltered accommodation. For a number of years, she has carried out research and analyses in the specialised adult area at the former SFI, now VIVE. Maria Lomborg Røgeskov has worked for VIVE and the former SFI since 2010.