Report 13. NOV 2019
Skoleledelse under folkeskolereformen
- Bente Bjørnholt
- Maria Falk Mikkelsen
- Mikkel Giver Kjer
- Cianna Isabel Flyger
- Matvei Andersen
- Asta Bossano Prescott
- Management and implementation
- Economy and Governance
- Children, Adolescents and Families
- Daycare, school and education Management and implementation, Economy and Governance, Children, Adolescents and Families, Daycare, school and education
- Bente BjørnholtMaria Falk MikkelsenMikkel Giver KjerCianna Isabel FlygerMatvei AndersenAsta Bossano Prescott
About this publication
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STUK (UVM)Publisher
VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd