Exploring Homelessness Among Young Care Leavers (HACL)

Young People with Care Experience and the Risk of Homelessness
Young people with a background in out-of-home care are overrepresented among the homeless. This is the case in the Nordic countries as well as internationally. However, we have limited knowledge of how young people with care experience perceive their pathways into and out of homelessness, as well as when they encounter critical moments. Such knowledge is crucial for gaining better insight into what can support positive transitions from care to independent adulthood.
This project—Exploring Homelessness Among Young Care Leavers: Addressing Challenges and Finding Potentials in a Nordic Welfare Context (HACL)—focuses on understanding the circumstances that increase the risk of homelessness among young people with care experience.
The project runs from 2023 to 2026 and is a collaborative Nordic initiative involving VIVE, Aalborg University, University of Turku, University of Gävle, University of Iceland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In each country, researchers examine how young people with care experience perceive their pathways into and out of homelessness.
In addition, a PhD student from Aalborg University investigates how social workers assess the risk of homelessness among young people leaving care.
This provides opportunities for gathering both country-specific insights and comparative knowledge in a Nordic context. Overall, the project aims on offering valuable recommendations on how to prevent and improve interventions addressing the risk of homelessness among care leavers.
The HACL project is funded by NordForsk, an independent Nordic research advisory and funding organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers for Education and Research. The project is supported under a framework of Nordic research councils in social sciences and humanities (NOS-HS), which focuses on supporting early-career researchers.
Project objectives and method
The project consists of four work packages that are guided by their own research questions and methodologies. The research questions focusing on young care leavers’ experiences are:
- RQ 1: What is the present research knowledge in Nordic countries and internationally regarding the experiences of homelessness among young care leavers?
- RQ 2: What are the experiences among young care leavers regarding pathways in and out of homelessness?
The research questions forming the PhD study focusing on social policy and street-level bureaucracy are:
- RQ 3: What are the similarities and differences within Nordic welfare states regarding policy and initiatives on the intersection between leaving care and the risk of homelessness?
RQ 4: How do social workers within child welfare services assess the risk of homelessness as young people transition out of care?
Work packages
Project organisation
Anne-Kirstine Mølholt is the project leader and responsible for the qualitative data collection through interviews with young people in Denmark. She also serves as a co-supervisor for Alberte Alsø Dokkedal, the PhD student affiliated with the project.
The project includes